I spent one day searching, until I found the artist. The author of this beautiful piece of art is Enkel Dika, his FB page is here. I also found him on Instagram and asked his permission to quill the "tigerfly" and his answer was: " Yes, of course you can :)".
What was interesting in the process of making it, is the fact that all the quilling pieces I were shaped in my hand, giving them the form I envisioned (not always succeeding ...lol) I then put the glue on one side, waiting for them to dry and then glue them directly on the cardboard. A big problem that I faced was the symmetry...I could had obtained a better result but instead of taking some measurements I followed my heart and everything that you see below is based on my sense and on the picture which I have stared at until my eyes hurt me. Even though all was a wonderful experience for me, I wouldn't recommended to any quiller to work only with hands and without pins....
So, here is the first day of work...five hours. Sorry about the pics quality, I did it in the evening...
The second day of work...ten hours.
And the third day...five hours and the result is below :) Not quite like original but I'm pleased. How about you?