Friday, 7 July 2017

Autumn quilled floral heart

Hi, quilling friends!

Finally I found some time and finished the third heart - autumn heart, filled with chrysanthemums, hydrangeas, mums and Gerbera flowers. It was very hard to combine only purple tones with white in order to suite in my bedroom...You will find below stages of my work and the three hearts together in the end. I hope you enjoy these and you will be inspired to create your own floral heart.


  1. They're beautiful Maria! The flowers are exquisite as usual...<3

    1. Many thanks, dear Jennifer! <3 I'm glad you like them. Hugs! 😚

  2. complimenti per i lavori, anch'io ho preparato diversi lavori con il quilling , una tecnica molto intereressante e piacevole infatti se vuoi passa nel mio blog www.metalfimo2 ci sono vari lavoretti ciao.

  3. Thank you very much! :) xx Your blog is beautiful!


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